(08) 9344 4437 / 0423 935 495 perthvietnamesecatholic@gmail.com

Giới Trẻ (Youth)

Vietnamese Catholic youth Ministry of Perth


VCYM own website is now active! Click here to see the latest updates as we go on our journey to World Youth Day Madrid!

Archbishop B. J. Hickey – Biblical Origins of the Eucharist



VCYM consists of young people from the Perth Vietnamese Community ranging mostly from the ages of 15 and up and has been established since 2006.

The aim of VCYM is to engage with youth and give them a sense of belonging to a Christ focused community, so that they can build a deeper lasting relationship with Jesus in an environment where they can belong to.

Mission Statement


VCYM Mission Statement:


To provide support  and activities to our community in Perth and entrust them to build a bright future with greater participation and leadership in our community and promote the church teachings.

Vietnamese Catholic Youth Ministry (VCYM)

3 years since 2006

Children’s Liturgy


Teenager’s Liturgy

Bible sharing

Acolyte & Special ministers

From 3 yrs – 12 yrs

Liturgy of the Word 2 Sunday Masses

From 13 yrs – 17 yrs

Liturgy of the Word Saturday Mass


Once a month


  • Youth Mass 3 -4 times a year
  • Reconciliation twice a year in Lent & Advent
  • Holy Thursday reflection
  • Organize Spiritual Seminar once or twice a year
  • Social events for teenager & young Adults once or twice a year
  • Leader Retreat once a year

Attend and send representatives to Archdiocese of Perth Youth Programs:

Leadership training and seminars, Leader meeting once/ month

Sacramental Programs

Reconciliation, Eucharistic & Confirmation

Bilingual Mass for Young Generation one a month @ the last Saturday

and Special Youth Masses

    Lễ Bế Mạc WYD : Chúa Nhật 21 August 2011

Trực tiếp: Madrid – 9:00am 21/8/11, Sydney – 5:00pm, Perth- 3:00pm 21/8/11. Sẽ được chiếu trực tiếp trên trang dưới đây: Lễ Bế Mạc WYD MADRID 2011 Hay :http://www.xt3.com/wyd2011/news.php

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WYD: Visit to the “Instituto San Josè”